Gazebo - Fall


View from inside the gazebo.
The swimming pool is just beyond the upper grade of lawn. As a bather walks in the pool, a head appears to float across the ground. I swear this wasn´t planned.

The passion Pass Podfruit of Passiflora caerulea is hanging on the left of the doorway (and beautiful Nigel on the steps!). The fruit´s pulpy orange skin opens to a pomegranate-like seed-packing of the most brilliant wet-red. Un-ripened green seed pods drape on the right of the arch. By late summer, fruit and flowers often appear together.

The Gulf Fritillary butterfly's upper wings seem to be color-coordinated to the fruit and underneath, the wings glint of shiny metallic silver. The passiflora is this butterfly´s larva-stage food of choice, so here they lay eggs that evolve into foliage-chewing caterpillars (that appreciatively prune the rampant vine). Then the spiny orange, blue and black caterpillars form chrysalis from which another generation of orange and black butterflies emerge to seed the vine again.


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